Kavel 1820

World country collections from A to Z in albums, stockbooks and folders - United States of America
Kavel 1820
U.S.A. REVENUE STAMPS, used/mint very well filled collection of Documentary first, second and third issues, Proprietary, Future Delivery, Stock Transfer, Cordials and Wines, Fermented Fruit Juices, Playing Cards, Silver Tax, Cigarette Tubes, Potato Tax, Tobacco Sales, Narcotic Tax, Consular Service Fee, Customs Fee, Motor Vehicle Use Revenue, Boating, Distilled Spirits Excise Tax, Firearms Transfer Tax and Rectification Tax. Highlights are: R4a, R16b, R18b, R21C, R31c(!), R24b, R36a, R47b, R49b, R50b, R60b, R65a, R74a and c, R95a, R96a, R102c, R121, R122, R130, R131, R135b, R150, R159, R180, RB8, a great collection of "Reds", an extensive colelction of "Greens", the wine collection consists also of the later issued A numbers(like RE159A etc.), an almost complete Motor Vehicle Use Revenue stamps collection, and a complete collection of rectification Tax stamps. A collection of Postal Savings, Savings and war Savings Stamps, highlights:PS2, 5, 10, S7a, WS4 and 5, plate blocks and booklet panes included, the collections in throughout very fine conditions, in Scott album
Start: € 12500
Opbrengst: € 0

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