Kavel 1822

World country collections from A to Z in albums, stockbooks and folders - United States of America
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U.S.A., CONFEDERATE STATES, POSTAL NOTES, BOOKLET PANES AND POSSESSIONS(Canal Zone, Cuba, Danish West Indies, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, mostly mint and never hinged collection. Confederate States with 3(mint), 5(used extremely fine) and 3 dull yellow green with certificate. Postal Notes stamps and plate blocks complete. Canal Zone with 2(used cert.), 4-8(mint), 36a(cert.), 39e(used), 52a(mint, cert.), 57(mint), 81(mint), 84b(mint) and very rare O8 with certificate. Cuba with strips of 3 and cut squares. Danish West Indies with 4, 18a and some rare covers. Guam 1-12(except 9) mint and with Agana Isle cancels, E1, M7a. Hawaii with covers, envelopes and Postal cards. Puerto Rico with 3a, cut squares and rare cover. Booklet Panes important with 279Bk(never hinged+cert.), 301c(mint), 319g with the very rare watermark horizontal with certificate and 319q(never hinged), the collection is in very fine condition, in Scott album
Start: € 4000
Opbrengst: € 0

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