Kavel 402

World- continents- thematics collections and dealerstocks in albums/stockbooks and folders - World - continents
Kavel 402
Kavel 402 (2)
WORLD DEALERSTOCK (un)used/never hinged so called safe dealerbook. The expensive high values and sets which the shopkeeper kept locked in his safe. Many Germany incl. Saar with the Hochwasserblocks, Danzig with no. 48 signed(Cat. € 3.000,=), China overprint on 5M. no. 27 type I(Cat. € 1.500,=), Bund 113V Probe(Cat. € 5.000,=) with photo certificate Schlegel, Nothilfe block(2x) signed Schlegel(Cat. € 7.000,= x 2 = € 14.000,=) and Polarfahrt with photo certificate. France with 50F. American banknote(2x) never hinged a € 1.100,= each, Yvert 252d, 1,50F+8,50F imperforated strip of three(Cat. € 3.000,=), block 1 never hinged(€ 3.000,=) and block 2(2x). Netherlands Cour 25/26 never hinged and the numbers 29, 47 and 80 unused. Luxembourg block 1, Liechtenstein with Zeppelinsets, Austria with WIPA block and Niemals vergessen set VI/VII. Further Belgium with the overprints and Great Britain with S.G. no. 128, 10 Sh.(Cat. 2.800,= pound), 137, 5 Pound orange(Cat. 4.500,= pound)(but second quality), 1 Pound George and 1 Pound Victoria + P.U.C. Pound(2x) etc. etc. The total catalogue value according to our consigner is € 177.300,=(See the list of this lot), in Dealerbook
Start: € 10000
Opbrengst: € 27000

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