Kavel 1265

World collections, lots and stocks in boxes
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WORLD TREASURE LOT TILL 2017, we did receive this lot from the heirs of a Dutch collector/semi trader who did buy for many decades, older material but also the new issues till 2017 from almost all European Countries, French- and English Colonies, very strong Middle East and Asia, stamps, sets, blocks, sheets etc. etc. According to the heirs he did spend a lot of money on new issues only, there is of course a huge amount of face material of many Countries but also much better older material. The collector never did put anything in books but in envelopes etc. So it's completely unordered and not easy to see what there all is, but we think that there are treasures to find. According to the heirs the collector did spend a few hundred thousand Euro's on this all, which we believe as you see this. Now offered as one big lot, it will cost a lot of time to work this all out, but we know for sure that you will have fun out of it, all housed in 10 big boxes
Start: € 15000
Opbrengst: € 19000

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